Are you new to freelancing and want to know how much money you make per hour? Use our free Freelance Rate Calculator tool to determine your hourly freelance rate.
Fill in the fields to calculate your freelance hourly rate.
Freelance Rate Factors
There are many things that determine your freelancing rates, some of which are monthly expenses, experience, and industry needs. With the help of our 100% free freelance rate calculator tool, you can easily find out your hourly rate. With the help of this free hourly rate calculator tool, you will know how much money you should earn per hour based on your expenses, etc. We have created this easy-to-use tool for freelancers who want to calculate their hourly rate without wasting so much time.
How to Calculate Freelance Hourly Rates
Here are the steps to use this free tool:
- First, enter your Monthly Expenses ($) such as rent and bills, etc.
- Then enter your Desired Income ($).
- Enter how many hours you will work for the entire month.
- Finally, click on Calculate Hourly Rate, and BOOM your Freelance Rate will be yours instantly.
Why Use This Calculator?
It’s a good idea to know your hourly rate to set profitable rates. This freelance rate calculator formula will give you your hourly rate based on your financial factors. This will give you the following benefits:
- You’ll be sure that your earnings cover your expenses.
- You’ll know before clients underpay you.
- It will help you reach your hourly rate goal.
What is a Freelance Rate?
How to Negotiate Higher Rates?
Common Mistakes Freelancers Make When Setting Rates.
This Freelance Rate Calculator is provided for informational purposes only. With the help of a freelance hourly rate, an individual can get an idea of how much money they can earn.
For more, visit our website.